Sweet Tea Yoga will be closed Sunday, May 12 for Mother’s Day and Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day.

Kelly Smith


Kelly developed her yoga practice as a means to move her body with a sense of mindfulness and intention, while allowing her to process life events, purpose, and an evolving faith.

A committed practice gave her the building blocks to rediscover her individuality and truth. She believes the yoga mat is a sacred place where you ground, heal, release, and replenish. All things can be surrendered and/or strengthened when you meet your mat.

Whether you take a power flow, vinyasa, or yin class with her, you will be invited into a deeper aspect of yourself through pointed prompts and self-inquiry guidance. In tandem, she weaves alignment cueing methodology to assist in the mind/body connection – not to perfect the asana, but to ensure the body is safe and to keep the mind from wandering as it likes to do. 

She believes goals are valuable, but showing up as you are is where the real joy is. We’re all on a winding journey looking for places that feel like home, but the best place to start is with yourself (on your mat).

After becoming a 200 RYT in 2020 with M3 Yoga, Kelly began teaching and continued to train in the areas of yin, mental health, and children’s yoga. She went on to complete her 300-hour advanced teacher training with Shanti Yoga Training School.